Hope Ray on Helping Couples Heal Podcast with Marnie Breecker
Hope and Marnie discuss the implications of using the word "violence" when talking about deception, gaslighting and other abusive behaviors that occur alongside secret infidelity.
Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity: What it takes and where to start
Read Hope Ray's article in Authority Magazine where she discusses the nuances and challenges of rebuilding trust and safety after intimate betrayal.
Read the ArticleHope Ray on Get Naked Podcast with Dr. Kate Balestrieri
Dr. Kate interviews Hope Ray about betrayal violence.
Interview: Conversations About Sex, Addiction and Relationships Podcast
Hosts Dan Drake, Wendy Conquest, Jeanne Vattuone, and Tim Stein delve into the challenging topic of betrayal violence with therapist Hope Ray. Hope introduces the concept, defining betrayal violence as a complex dynamic involving secrecy, repeated fidelity violations, and abusive behavior.
Deconstructing Gaslighting Podcast with Sarah Morales
Hope and Sarah break down the roots of misogynistic thinking and how women have internalized many of these beliefs and behaviors without realizing it.
Sariah Bastian joins Hope on the Women Who Discover Podcast
Sariah has a message of hope for you in the midst of betrayal.
Are therapists missing THIS about infidelity? Safety in your own body after trauma
Lisa Taylor and Hope Ray share concerns about the abuse many partners face who have been betrayed by hidden infidelity. Here's a clip from Episode 8 of the Women Who Discover podcast.
Hope Ray interviewed by Dr. Jessica Lamar from BTRC
Dr. Jessica Lamar from the Bellevue Trauma Recovery Center interviews Hope Ray about betrayal violence. They discuss how infidelity covered up by secrets and lies can be framed as abuse.
Sex Help with Carol the Coach
Carol the coach invites Hope Ray to explain how Complex Partner Trauma can result for a betrayed partner who is experiencing the pain of infidelity. In this episode, Hope discusses why she feels that a better understanding of betrayal violence will help protect and manage the relationship in a more clearly defined way.
The Living Truth Podcast with Michael and Kristin Cary
Kristin Cary asks Hope to explain the concept of “stay shaming” and together they discuss how partners face many barriers in the aftermath of infidelity betrayal.
This is Her Story with JoAnn Bastien
Hope joins JoAnn Bastien to share with clergy about “stay shaming” and the psychology of persuasion that often occurs in infidelity.
Choose to Be with Amie Woolsey and Alana Gordon
“It is time to define betrayal violence.” Listen to hear how Hope uses the term “betrayal violence” and why these powerful words give a more thorough definition of the experience of betrayed partners. And why this framework and vocabulary is critical to the process of rehabilitation, while the term ‘betrayal trauma’ falls short.
The Empowered Divorce with Amie Woolsey
Betrayal throws EVERYTHING out of whack. Your central nervous system, your trust, your reality, and so much more. It also throws off your WISE FEMININITY.
What is Wise Femininity? Vulnerability - Intuition - Sensitivity
Understanding more of what your real experience has been with your partner, and see why this trifecta in the wise self has been thrown out of whack, you can begin to realign with that inherent gift.
Navigating Betrayal with KayLee Dunn (Safety & Self-Care After Betrayal)
KayLee Dunn and Hope discuss why it is so difficult to step into self-care after betrayal and infidelity and how to start gently making that shift.
Navigating Betrayal with KayLee Dunn (Disclosure & Polygraph)
Betrayal throws EVERYTHING out of whack. Your central nervous system, your trust, your reality, and so much more. It also throws off your WISE FEMININITY.
What is Wise Femininity? Vulnerability - Intuition - Sensitivity
Understanding more of what your real experience has been with your partner, and see why this trifecta in the wise self has been thrown out of whack, you can begin to realign with that inherent gift.
Thanks for Sharing Podcast
Disclosure is a process that helps bring a culture of honesty to a relationship. It's also a place where many are tempted to take shortcuts. Jackie and Jon talk with Hope Ray, a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist in Michigan. Hope is a specialist in therapeutic disclosure with couples in recovery.
Porn Free Radio - Janice Dobschuetz Tells Her Story with Hope Ray
Together with Hope Ray, Janice Dobschuetz recounts her memories of discovering Matt’s porn use in marriage and the early days of recovery. She also shares her advice and hope for partners in the same situation now.

Betrayal Violence Informed Organizations are trained to recognize and rehabilitate inequity dynamics caused by infidelity in intimate relationships.