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We talk about EVERYTHING related to infidelity and betrayal - all the tools, tips & insights for the healing sojourn

40 min listen
Episode 4: Legacy Interview with Marsha Means, Co-Author of Your Sexually Addicted Spouse

30 min listen
Episode 5: Feeling Safer Inside Your Own Body with Sariah Bastian

16 min listen
Episode 6: Reality Collapse + Attachment Investing (Special Presentation)

Hope is a therapist, theoretician and the pioneer of the betrayal violenceĀ framework that pinpoints the endangerment betrayed partners face when their significant others use abusive deception to hide fidelity-violating behavior.
Hope is the founder of the Betrayal Violence Institute and the creator of Complex Partner Trauma Magazine, a publication for women.

Betrayal Violence Informed Organizations are trained to recognize and rehabilitate inequity dynamics caused by infidelity in intimate relationships.